Friday 20 September 2013

Hey there!

I'm Abby, I'm very nearly 21 and I live in the good old Granite city aka Aberdeen, Scotland (although the use of good would depend on how the coastal wind is behaving). Anyhow. I am one of those people who believe that it is always nice, upon meeting a new soon to be friend, to start off with what some would call 'interesting facts'. So, 3 facts: 
  1. I speak fluent French, et j'en suis fière chers lecteurs!
  2. When alone I either vegetate on the sofa or re-enact my favourite Harry Potter scenes (I'm far too cool)
  3. My dream job would be to work in Editing and Publishing ... SO MANY BOOKS!
Now, whether these facts are relevant or not to the future content of  this blog is yet to be determined. One fact which is most certainly relevant is that as of 2 weeks ago I have embarked on the final year of my MA in English Literature. A fact which is honestly scary. I'm still not sure where the past 3 years have gone, they are mainly a haze of essays and Oxford World Classics covers. I digress. When I compare what I have actually done since I've been at uni to what I had planned to do by this point, before I started, I can't help but feel disappointed. All the things I had intended to do before I finish next July have somehow been put on hold and the thing is, I don't know why.

I have decided to remedy this. My flatmate and I have made a deal to do most of the things we wanted to do before we graduate. And is what this blog is about, it will charter my last year at uni and,(if all goes to plan) a year full of accomplishments and firsts.

Welcome to my journey and I'd love it if you came along for the ride (I can assure you your loyalty shall be rewarded by embarrassing anecdotes).

I'm off to the 24 hour shop accross the road for Quavers.

Catch ya later alligator!


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