Wednesday 25 September 2013

Because the 90's are retro now!

Having already had the 'omg it's my last year at uni, what am I going to do with my life' freak out, someone pointed out to me that the 90's are now Retro; because I didn't feel old enough already. Anyhow, in a vain and pointless attempt to recapture the youth I feel I should have probably had, a couple of friends and myself decided to have the ultimate fresher's week experience (ie all week party). We decided that we would be out 4 nights in a row. Now our vreshers week is the last week of September so this post is slightly delayed, however, in my defence I have had a load of reading to do.

Day 1:It's a what now?

We may or may not have accidentally wandered into a UV party. How does one wander into a UV party you may ask? Well, you leave a pub and decide to go somewhere cheap, end up in a club only to be sprayed with paint. I can honestly say that being that sticky and gooey is just not right, neither is the queue for the shower when the 3 of you get in afterwards. Now I'm not saying it wasn't fun, watching people fail miserably at standing up on a wet floor is always fun, but the hassle of having to deep clean clothes, bags and yourself at 3am is just not for me.

Day 2: Not so silent silence.

Being uber cool human beings, we decided to branch out and attend a silent disco. First important thing to know is that the 'Silent' is relative as, like me, most people seem to follow the rule that if people are wearing headphones then they can't hear me sing ergo I can sing even louder.  I can honestly say that I had fun, i mean who wouldn't when the bulk of the songs played are songs you grew up on. The highlight of the evening was being able to dust off my year 4 dance routine to S club 7 and pull it off like a pro (in my humble opinion).

Day 3: So much smoke... can't see a thing...

Loosing momentum at this point after 3 days of very late nights and 6am breakfast shifts,  we decided to  go for one of our regular spots just to relax for an evening. Fun and drinks were had although having to show a barmaid how to make a drink that she is offering is not necessarily a good thing.

Day 4: Run away!

So we went to an indie/rock night, one of our usual choices as by this point I was personally starting to feel it big time. Have you ever seen a moshpit in a nightclub? I have and it's not pretty. It's one of those moments where going to the bar is probably the safest option. Although the look on the newbies faces when it starts (sheer panic) is pretty hilarious.

Day 5: Dying, Dying, Dead.

I had been promised that night 4 would be the last. That was without counting on the persuasive powers of snapchat. After 2 hours of negotiations we agreed to go to a doam party. Now you'd think my UV party experience would have taught me that confined spaces with gunk do not agree with me... you'd think. At one point it was deemed a good idea to get close to the gun, right in the centre of a crowd of people, now for most people that would not be an issue. I have learned in the past that I do not do well when I'm in the centre of a crowd, let alone in the centre of a crowd drowning in foam. Let's just say that panic attacks are not fun. You see, I'm tiny, people are tall and in this case rowdy. Not good, I do like to be able to breathe...

All in all it was a very fun week full of fun. Had I not been on breakfast every morning it might have been even better sadly 't'was not the case.
I have decided to leave the hard partying for the young'uns. A night out once in a while interspersed with nights in is fine with me. I like my sleep too much these days.



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